Friday 19 October 2012

Unemployment in September 2012

Overall Picture

Unemployment fell slightly in Worcestershire last month from 10,637 to 10,468, a drop of 169 claimants, though the change is small enough for the percentage to remain unchanged on the ONS system of calculation at 3.0%.  (On the County Council’s basis, which I have previously used in these briefings the rate has fallen from 3.8 to 3.7%).  Using the ONS figure should hopefully aid more accurate comparison with regional and national figures with the health warning that the more widely quoted regional and national figures are the people available for work, not the claimant count which is used here.

Regional and National Position

This small decrease is consistent with a further modest fall nationally, though according to news broadcasts, the West Midlands region again showed a slight increase in the headline figure but a very small fall in the claimant count (down 1,274 to 163,392 and 6.6%).  There is more information about the national picture here and a further discussion of why unemployment appears to be fallingand the total number of people employed is rising even though we have been in a double dip recession.  It seems to revolve around a number of people working part-time who would rather work full-time, some who are self-employed or contractors who may be classed as full-time but are not actually working that many hours, though the notion of labour-hoarding by employers is now dismissed as they couldn’t afford to keep this up for so long.  Stephanie Flanders, the BBC’s economics editor, also writes about why unemployment hasn’t been ashigh in this recession as in previous ones – because many of us have taken wage cuts and the afore-mentioned reduced hours so the pain has been spread more widely rather than on a smaller number who have lost their jobs.

Local Figures

The total number claiming Job Seeker’s Allowance has fallen by 792 since the same month last year with the largest falls in Redditch (274), Worcester (184) and Malvern Hills (118).  As with last month, the district with the highest claimant count Worcester at 3.7% on the ONS basis and the lowest is Malvern Hills at 2.2%.  As far as urban centres are concerned the highest is again Kidderminster at 5.2% on the County’s slightly different basis that seems to be about 25% higher than the ONS figures, and the lowest is still Wythall at 1.8%.

Young People

The number of young people aged 18-24 claiming JSA fell to 3,090 from 3,130 in August and 3,465 in September last year.  Of the 3,090, 2,640 have been claiming up to one year, which means that 450 (14.7% of the total) have been claiming for more than a year.  Whilst it remains that the ten wards in the County that have the highest 18-24 unemployment are fairly predictably those which appear high up the various deprivation indices it is also the case that some others have recently appeared.  This may be because the level of youth unemployment has been slowly falling so that some of these other places are starting to have percentages similar to those that appear regularly.  It is also true that we are dealing with quite small numbers so any variation can have more marked effect than if the numbers were bigger.  Further information can be found on page 21 of the September County Economic Summary.

Long-term Unemployment

The male rate of unemployment increased rapidly at the beginning of the recession (from just over 2% in 2008 to 5.5% in 2010).  It has since dropped to 4%.  However, the female rate increased more slowly from around 1% in 2008 to 2% in 2010 but has remained more or less constant since then, and is currently just above 2%.  Long-term (overall) unemployment has fallen for those claiming benefit for more than six months by 2% to 38.8% but the figure for those claiming for more than 12 months has increased by 0.2% to 22.8%.


The number of vacancies in the County has gone up to 6,459 in September   from 5,143 in August and 3,737 in the same month last year.  Whether this is yet a trend may be a little early to say, but it may reflect the more positive picture nationally of increasing employment.

This Blog

It is some time since I posted anything on this blog and I’ve written a separate piece to explain why and to invite comments about its usefulness.  I’d be interested to know what you think.

This Blog

I haven’t posted anything on this blog for a while, partly because I have recently taken up a course of further study and that has been taking my energy in getting to grips with what it involves, but largely because after a year of writing and some questioning with colleagues about how best to communicate through social media, etc. I feel it is time for some re-evaluation.

There is the question of whether a blog is the best way to communicate or if some other social media would be better.  I have been encouraged, more than I might have expected from some quarters, that this is worth-while; but whilst some posts get a lot of hits – some predictably because they mention something/somebody well known, some for reasons I can’t quite fathom – others get no more than a handful.  The latter, I think, say something worthwhile, otherwise I wouldn’t bother writing them but it does make one question the use of the time needed.

So, is a blog the best way to communicate?  If it is, there is the question of style and content.  If it continues, I will do my best to make the style more accessible.  One or two people have said they find it difficult to understand.  If that isn’t just about style then what about the content?  I have tried to pitch it as a thoughtful and sometimes challenging comment on current economic and related subjects from a Christian perspective.  It doesn’t aim to be academic because that’s not where I’m coming from and not where I think the audience is but maybe it still assumes a level of understanding of economics or other subjects that not everyone is comfortable with.

I’d be interested in comments, both constructive criticism and well as any encouragement.  The aim is to inform and stimulate thought and perhaps debate across the area of a Christian approach to economic matters, which is what I’m most interested in, but also the wider issues connected with my work with Faith at Work in Worcestershire and now the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Life.  I look forward with interest to any feedback, either through the comment button on the blog site or by email, etc.